OTA (Over The Air) Commands can be issued from the Center Point unit. These are useful in cases where certain parameters of the devices (registered in the network) may need to be modified or be controlled.
Following OTA commands are available in ADRadioNet:
Force a Registration
This command requests the Endpoint / Router device to re-register to the network. This is useful in the cases where the CP does not have registration information of specific device (Imagine a situation where the CP is turned on after the entire network is up).
Mute Node (ignored by endpoints)
This command is useful when user desires to receive data from a specific device only. .
Unmute Node (ignored by endpoints)
This re-enables the data communication from the nodes that were muted earlier.
Change Sleep time
Sleep time of specific EP can be changed by passing the sleep period in milliseconds. User must issue "Save Configuration" command in order to save the new sleep time in ROM and then reset the unit.
Reset local statistics
This command is to reset the local statistics like packet number, bad message count and other transceiver statistics
Set PWM0 duty cycle (0...100%)
This command sends duty cycle (in 0 to 100% range) as parameter to a specific EP. The intended EP uses these parameters to generate the PWM output.
Reset node
This command resets the specific node.
Enable low power mode (ignored by routers)
This command enables the low power mode (power saving mode) of operation on a specific node.
Disable low power mode
This command disables the low power mode (power saving mode) of operation on a specific node.
Enable local statistics
This command is issued to the node if the CP wishes to receive the statistics like packet number, bad message count and other transceiver parameters.
Disable local statistics
This command is issued to the node if the CP does not wish to receive the statistics like packet number, bad message count and other transceiver parameters.
Save configuration
Command to save the configuration parameters of specific node in its ROM to use it from the next power up cycle.