Original Question: How to decipher the messages on the ANodeCenterPoint tool? by NagarjunaG
I am trying to decipher the messages received on the ANodeCenterPoint tool. Can you elaborate more on this.
Verified Answer: RE: How to decipher the messages on the ANodeCenterPoint tool? by NagarjunaG
The ANodeCenterPoint tool window displays the total packets received in byte streams format containing the following:
- Link layer header
- Message header
- Payload (Sensor Data + Local statistics)
The port number (byte 26) in message header of the packet format gives information about whether the packets belong to network or data category as shown. Users can define their own unused port numbers in code to communicate with other device.
Question: RE: How to decipher the messages on the ANodeCenterPoint tool? by ezadminThis question has been closed by the EZ team and is assumed answered.