Original Question: Unable to detect device with ANodeConfig tool by NagarjunaG
I am testing the basic demo and monitoring the incoming data, network overview, node performance using the "ANodeCenterPoint" tool. I want to experiment changing few configuration parameters of my endpoint with ANodeConfig tool. The tool opens, but unable to detect my device. Appreciate if you can help on what I am doing wrong.
Verified Answer: RE: Unable to detect device with ANodeConfig tool by NagarjunaG
You cannot use both the ANodeCenterPoint and ANodeConfig tools at the same time. Please close the ANodeCenterPoint PC tool before using ANodeConfig tool or vice versa.
Also, make sure that the device is not connected to any other serial tools like teraterm, where the communication port settings may clobber with each other.
Question: RE: Unable to detect device with ANodeConfig tool by ezadminThis question has been closed by the EZ team and is assumed answered.