Original Question: Are the devices in the evaluation kit programmed and configured before hand by NagarjunaG
I ordered ADRadioNet Evaluation Development Kit and guessing these devices are programmed and configured before hand for an out of the box experience. Is it possible to change the configuration settings on-fly? Can you explain how this can be accomplished without re-programming the devices?.
Verified Answer: RE: Are the devices in the evaluation kit programmed and configured before hand by NagarjunaG
Yes. Just out of the box your demo should be up and running with the factory default settings, with one End Point node sending information over a Router to the Center Point.
The "All-in-One Getting Started Guide" supplied with the package explains the demo topology. The configuration settings (ISM band, Data Rate, Channel Frequency et al) can be applied to the devices using the PC configuration tools, ANodeConfig and CenterPoint tools, supplied with the package.
Question: RE: Are the devices in the evaluation kit programmed and configured before hand by ezadminThis question has been closed by the EZ team and is assumed answered.