Original Question: Default configuration settings in the evaluation demo by NagarjunaG
What are the "Default" configuration settings in the ADRadioNet Evaluation Demo? How do I set and save my own configuration settings?
Verified Answer: RE: Default configuration settings in the evaluation demo by NagarjunaG
The ANodeConfig tool shows the "Default" configuration settings from the device on the UI screen. These settings include ISM band, MAC ID, upstream/downstream data rate, channel numbers etc under the "Configuration" tab; PHY parameters and Protocol options under the "Options" tab; Device type and description under the "Device type" tab. All these can be be seen directly on the ANodeConfig tool.
The user can change the configuration settings as desired and save them using "[Write Config.]" button of the ANodeConfig tool. For the demo configuration shown below, the configuration settings are as shown in the following table.
1. The user can revert to the default configuration any time from the ANodeConfig using the "[Get defaults]" on the top right of the tool.
2. The "[Get config.]" on the ANodeConfig tool retrieves the current user configuration settings
Question: RE: Default configuration settings in the evaluation demo by ezadminThis question has been closed by the EZ team and is assumed answered.