Original Question: ADuCRF101 Shows up as "Unknown Device" in ADRadioNet when i click "Find Devices" by dankspank
I had it working where the Bunch boards could send data to the ADuCRF101 and I could see it displayed on the GUI. After downloading some demo code using the ADuCRF101 Radio evaluation tool where you had to push and hold RESET, press BOOT, and then release RESET, I am unable to reconnect to the ADRadionet GUI. It just shows up as "Unknown Device". Please help, I would just like to return it to its factory settings. I have attached a screenshot of the GUI and the radio evaluation tool I used that I believe messed it up.
Thank you,
Daniel Spann
Verified Answer: RE: ADuCRF101 Shows up as "Unknown Device" in ADRadioNet when i click "Find Devices" by schennu
Hello, Apologies for the late reply. The All In One Getting Started Guide covers the programming procedure.
Please follow the following thread.