Original Question: How to interpret the different messages received on the UI tool? by NagarjunaG
How to interpret the different messages received at the ADWSN UI tool in the “Monitor And Control” window start tab?
Verified Answer: RE: How to interpret the different messages received on the UI tool? by NagarjunaG
All the messages received at the border router can be easily interpreted using the ADWSN-UI-Tool.
The “start” tab in the Monitor and Control tab of "ADWSN-UI-Tool" displays the received packets in byte stream format, as shown in the figure below, which in turn consist of
• Link layer header
• Message header
• Payload (Sensor Data + Local statistics)
The port number (byte 26 and 25) in message header of the packet format can differentiate between different packets like UDP and Command as shown in the below figure. User can define his own unused port numbers in code to communicate with other device but the implementation in the code need to be taken care.
Question: RE: How to interpret the different messages received on the UI tool? by ezadminThis question has been closed by the EZ team and is assumed answered.