Original Question: Is AD6LoWPAN implementation standards based solution? by NagarjunaG
Is AD6LoWPAN implementation standards based solution? If so, can the devices (using this solution) work/interoperate with other off-the-shelf 6LoWPAN devices?
Verified Answer: RE: Is AD6LoWPAN implementation standards based solution? by NagarjunaG
Yes. AD6LoWPAN is a standards based solution and should be able to connect with other off-the-shelf 6LoWPAN devices.
The 6LoWPAN protocol conformance of AD6LoWPAN solution has been verified using ETSI TTCN Test suite. The target RFCs for this test suite are :
- RFC 4944 Transmission of IPv6 over IEEE 802.15.4
- RFC 6282 Header compression for 6lowpan
ETSI TTCN Test Suite:
There are a few other aspects that need to be looked in to before trying to interconnect any off-the-shelf 6LoWPAN devices with this ADuCRF101 based AD6LoWPAN solution:
- The devices shall support IEEE 802.15.4 MR-FSK PHY in the Sub-GHz frequency bands.
- The version of IEEE802.15.4 MAC: AD6LoWPAN employs IEEE802.15.4 (2006) MAC data & ACK frames only.
Analog Devices is in the process of identifying a few off-the-shelf 6LoWPAN devices that meet these requirements and carry out interoperability testing with those devices. The device list shall be published at right after the interoperability tests are complete.
Question: RE: Is AD6LoWPAN implementation standards based solution? by ezadminThis question has been closed by the EZ team and is assumed answered.