Original Question: GPIO and Transceiver Interrupts by Maria
How to disable GPIO or Transceiver Interrupts? in AD6LoWPAN01 EDKv1.0 Platform: EV-ADRN-WSN-1Z.
I tried calling the API Disable_Transceiver_Interrupts( ), it got re-enabled after 10 sec by itself, is their any default time set for disabling the interrupts.
Verified Answer: RE: GPIO and Transceiver Interrupts by MReddy
This question is already answered in the below thread.
GPIO and Transceiver Interrupts
Question: RE: GPIO and Transceiver Interrupts by NevadaMark
Hi Maria,
Why was this posted in the Inertial MEMS community?
Question: RE: GPIO and Transceiver Interrupts by Ramya
Hi, Request you to move this question to the relevant community. We are stuck at this problem from a very long time.
We have posted the same question at WSN, but no luck.
GPIO and Transceiver Interrupts
Question: RE: GPIO and Transceiver Interrupts by NevadaMark
We actually have moved this to the correct forum (yesterday)
The specified item was not found.: Should you have them present this to our central apps team?