Original Question: ADXL362 by Praveeng
I am not able to set threshold value in ADXL362, please suggest me how to set the threshold value in this .
Verified Answer: RE: ADXL362 by MReddy
This community is manly meant for the support for the WSN solutions like AD6LoWPAN and ADRadioNet demo bring-up. If you question is about the ADXL362 configuration, please refer to ADXL362 data sheet or post in the respective MEMS community (link given below). The application provided will give you the basic configuration of the sensors.
Question: RE: ADXL362 by STallur
The instructions for setting thresholds are provided in the register map descriptions for each of these registers, with applicable scale factors. Perhaps if you describe your goal a little bit, I could point out the appropriate registers and settings.
Question: RE: ADXL362 by Praveeng
Hi STallur, Thanks for responding,
1) I want to stop continuous polling from ADXL326, for that I tried
with wake-up-mode register setting which was given in data sheet, but
doesn’t give the result as excepted.
2) When I tried with prebuilt binaries, for that when I make XL
high(S1 switch, Pin 6), I am getting proper output as excepted .
3) Our ultimate goal is to set a threshold such that whenever the
object is picked to a certain height from the table, say 0.5-1 m.
If tried to modify the source, None of the operations works as explained in
the datasheet.
Please advice.
On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 12:06 AM, STallur <
Question: RE: ADXL362 by STallur
Are you referring to any particular ADI evaluation kit for the product? (-MLP?)
I would not recommend using the wake-up mode for actively obtaining acceleration data from the ADXL362.
If you would like to set a distance based threshold, you would need to integrate the XL output twice to obtain displacement information, and then set a threshold in software based on that. A word of caution here: cross-axis sensitivity and fast motion (outside the XL bandwidth) will lead to errors in this integration, so you would need to account for that too.
Question: RE: ADXL362 by nuthan
Hi STallur, Thanks for your repsonse.
We are working on AD6LoWPAN01 EDKv1.0 Platform: EV-ADRN-WSN-1Z. Its an Evaluation kit.
The documentation does not read anywhere to set a distance based threshold. Can you help us out? which registers needs to be modified or perhaps point us to the possible resources.
Also, How do we obtain displacement information?
Your recommendation is quiet interesting.
We have the source, trying different possibilities in ADXL362.c file in the source.
Please Advice.
Question: RE: ADXL362 by STallur
I am moving this thread to the AD6LoWPAN community, as this might pertain to how these functions are specifically implemented in this kit. This will be the right place on the forum to look for support. Could some one please follow up?
Question: RE: ADXL362 by harishkumarkatam
From the above comments, I assume you are referring the same problem as below. please go through it.
Restrict End Node from pushing packets continuously.
thanks & regards
Harish kumar K
Question: RE: ADXL362 by nuthan
Hi Harish Kumar, The problem is only partially solved.
We need to set a threshold such that whenever the object[ADXL362] sensor is picked to a certain height from the table,
say 0.5-1 m.
Threshold needs to be set based on distance/acceleration, its a work in progress. Not sure which registers needs to be configured.