Original Question: ADWSN-UI tool displaying "unknown device" on my centerpoint node by yoshimasa
I have a similar issue with another discussion regarding the ADWSN-UI tool.
My centerpoint node (AduCRF101) is displayed as "unknown device" whilst my BUNCH WSN boards are recognized properly as "endpoint"
Does any of you know how to make the solution recognize the centerpoint?
Verified Answer: RE: ADWSN-UI tool displaying "unknown device" on my centerpoint node by harishkumarkatam
I hope you are trying to evaluate AD6LoWPAN demo. The “Unknown device” problem may occur due to the following reasons
- The device driver for USB-SWD/UART-EMUZ board is not installed properly
- UART communication error
- Binaries used to flash the devices are not proper.
In your case, I suspect the binaries flashed on to the devices are not proper, as BUNCH WSN boards are detected as “Endpoint”. The ADWSN-UI tool will detect AD6LoWPN devices as Border Router, Router and Node. The ADWSN-UI tool may detect devices with different firmware as “Unknown device” when multiple devices are connected to it.
Flash all the boards with the latest binaries and then try connecting. If the problem still exists follow the below post in Engineer Zone, for reasons and solutions for detecting the devices as unknown devices.
Please follow the below link to know the information about the factory default settings and the default binaries flashed on to the devices, you received in the Development Kit.
Please refer to the “AD6LoWPAN-All-in-One-GettingStartedGuide” document supplied with the package, on how to flash the firmware. After following the above steps if the problem exists please revert back with the following information.
- Number of devices connected to the tool
- Version of Binaries flashed
- Provide configuration window screen short of ADWSN-UI tool, which shows the devices detection.
Thanks & Regards
Harish kumar k
Question: RE: ADWSN-UI tool displaying "unknown device" on my centerpoint node by yoshimasa
Hi Harish,
Thank you for the reply. I have just one more question about the issue.
I have bought the EV-ADRN-WSN-1Z kit and I do not have the “AD6LoWPAN-All-in-One-GettingStartedGuide” document and the binaries.
Is there anywhere that I could download those?
Question: RE: ADWSN-UI tool displaying "unknown device" on my centerpoint node by NagarjunaG
I believe you have downloaded the package from www.analog.com/wsn or from the downloadlink provided on this page itself. You can find the "AD6LoWPAN-All-in-One-GettingStartedGuide_v1.0.pdf" under the "AD6LoWPAN01\Docs" folder.
Question: RE: ADWSN-UI tool displaying "unknown device" on my centerpoint node by NagarjunaG
The download button is as shown below (on the Engineer Zone AD6LoWPAN page). I don't see any problem on this page, you should be able to download it from here.
Fig (1)
Once you click on this "DOWNLOAD" button, you will be taken for a registration page. If you have valid account, then you will see the following. I just verified this and it is working.
Fig (2)
Alternatively, you can go to the landing page for EVAL-WSN www.analog.com/wsn (short URL), which takes you in to https://www.analog.com/en/design-center/evaluation-hardware-and-software/evaluation-boards-kits/Eval-wsn.html#eb-overview
If you click on the above link, it takes you to the "Download Now" page as shown in Fig(2).
If you are registered and still facing issue in downloading, please send a mail to "Technical Support" team as shown in Fig(2).
Best of Luck..
Question: RE: ADWSN-UI tool displaying "unknown device" on my centerpoint node by yoshimasa
Hi NagarjunaG,
Sorry to bother you again, but I cannot find the download link neither on the page nor analog.com/wsn website. All it gives is a link to the .exe file. Can you check this please?