Achieve High-Speed for High-Res Video with Gigabit Multimedia Serial Links (GMSL︎) presentation there is a calculation on the Bit Error Rate (BER) improvement through the use of Forward Error Correction (FEC). The presentation states an improvement of 10^-40. This particular statistic is impossible to prove and probably just false. To calculate a BER with 0% confidence you need to have error free performance for the exact number of bits. For a 10^-40 BER you would have to measure for at least 10^40 bits and still that only achieves a 0% confidence. Some statistics tables can show how much more time is needed to achieve 95% confidence. Measuring a signal for 10^40 bits is just not possible for any GMSL rate. Using 10Gb/s or 1x10^10 bits per second, you would need to measure for 10^30 seconds. There are 3x10^7 seconds in a year and in the 5 billion years of our planet's existence (a general number here not meant to open a discussion) there have only been 1.57x10^17 seconds. Please remove this postulation on FEC improvement or correct the value to something like 10^-4 or 10^-5 improvement.