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4/26/16: Ubiquitous Measurement and Control with LVDS Isolators

What power supplies are required?

  • ADN4650/ADN4651/ADN4652 devices include an integrated LDO so that the part can be supplied from a 3.3V rail. The isolator and LVDS I/O operate from the LDO’s 2.5V output, or can be supplied directly from a 2.5V supply in the system.  Galvanic isolation is integrated, meaning that a separate power supply is required on each side of the isolation barrier. The ADuM5000 isoPower device can be used to generate a dedicated 3.3V supply for ADN4650/ADN4651/ADN4652 devices.  A maximum of 80 mA of supply current is required for the full-output swing LVDS drivers, high-speed isolation circuits and the LVDS receivers (with parallel failsafe receivers in ADN4651/ADN4652). For enhanced common-mode transient immunity, low radiated emissions, and to support 600 Mbps data with ultra-low jitter, the internal isolator encoding circuit does not power down between pulses, meaning that there is not much variation in supply current requirements across data rate.

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