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Do you expect to see cable length of 1km in applications?

Do you expect to see cable length of 1km in applications? 

  • The 1km means this is the goal. Will it always be 1km? No, there are applications for T1L between 50m to 100m and even 1km. The most likely applications for 1km are big factories. When using condition based monitoring systems, you may need to control some things that are far away from the infrastructure. Another example is factory or process automation, where you may have a huge chemical plant where you need to reach all of your sensors.

  • The 1km means this is the goal. Will it always be 1km? No, there are applications for T1L between 50m to 100m and even 1km. The most likely applications for 1km are big factories. When using condition based monitoring systems, you may need to control some things that are far away from the infrastructure. Another example is factory or process automation, where you may have a huge chemical plant where you need to reach all of your sensors.

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