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Is ADI's A2B tech implemented in cars today?

Is the technology already implemented in cars on the road today?

  • A2B is solidly entrenched in Automotive infotainment systems at this point. A2B is in mass production or is in active design at every major OEM in the US, Europe, Japan, China and Korea. Furthermore, customers beyond Automotive are well positioned to take advantage of our Automotive leanings (quality, technical rigor, EMI/EMC, cost optimization). 

  • A2B is solidly entrenched in Automotive infotainment systems at this point. A2B is in mass production or is in active design at every major OEM in the US, Europe, Japan, China and Korea. Furthermore, customers beyond Automotive are well positioned to take advantage of our Automotive leanings (quality, technical rigor, EMI/EMC, cost optimization). 

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