Colm Slattery Strategic Marketing Logistics and Retail BU, Strategic Marketing Logistics and Retail BU
Alessandro Vinco Staff Engineer, System Integration, Intelligent Infrastructure BU

Join this interesting webinar to learn how advances in logistics and retail technology can be applied to point of sale (POS) systems. Learn how ADIs security technology is being applied to achieve the latest EVM/PCI point of sale certification standards. This webinar will discuss the latest state of the art crypto algorithms and advanced physical diagnostics needed to protect against financial tampering and security threats, and talk about how ADI can help support you through the full certification process from evaluation, development through certification.

We will also discuss other market challenges in retail POS, such as the increasing problem in battery cloning, which has both a financial impact from revenue loss but also safety concerns. Learn how ADI’s battery management technology is enabling a more sustainable market in retail, providing the longest operator usage time with secure, safer edge nodes. 

Attendees will Learn:

  • POS certification standards and how ADI technology is keeping up with SOA needed here.
  • Market trends about battery cloning and its impact on industry 
  • ADI's full signal chain content and value offering for POS systems.