Colm Slattery
Strategic Marketing Logistics and Retail BU | Analog Devices
Alessandro Vinco
Staff Engineer, System Integration, Intelligent Infrastructure BU | Analog Devices
- The boom in eCommerce is putting unprecedented pressure on the logistics supply chain. Parcel shipment growth rates are projected at >25% CAGR per year, with a staggering 220B parcels estimated to ship annually by 2027 and there is an increasing demand for faster and more product delivery. Automatic Data Capture devices are widely used in logistics and retail to scan and track product inventory. New features continue to be adopted, such as real-time product and object dimensioning. This allows the shipper to optimize their packaging usage and manage downstream logistics.
- This session will focus on signal chain selling of the key technologies that ADI brings to the Automatic Data Capture application, which can be leveraged into many logistics automation use cases, from handheld to fixed dimensioning, to sensing & conveying and even beyond into retail end application use cases.