Emilio Novoa System Applications Engineer
Scott Hunt Staff Application Engineer

This webinar combines the design advantages of pre-made of Precision Signal Chains with the power of LTspice. This virtual hands-on webinar will go through the steps of simulating complete precision signal chains in LTspice. After a short review of the LTspice simulation environment, we'll delve right into how to properly simulate a complete Precision Signal Chain design to ensure accurate results. We'll also get into detail with the LTspice simulation environment to show how the circuit design will operate under various design conditions and review techniques that can be used to optimize the end result.

Attendees will learn:

  • Learn how the combination of Precision Signal Chains and LTspice simulation can help accelerate and optimize design flows
  • Organize and systematically construct of large, parametrized LTspice schematics for a more efficient simulation workflow *Precision ADCs & DACs in LTspice
  • Using Transient, AC, and Noise simulations for precision data converter circuits

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