Factory networks require robust, secure, and fast connectivity, but the breadth of available options can make choosing the right technology daunting. Exploring multiple end equipment use cases, this webinar will provide context on which technologies are best suited to a given application and provide useful hints for designing an optimized connectivity solution to withstand the demands of today and tomorrow’s factory. Examining Industrial Ethernet, IO-Link, isolated RS485, isolated USB, and MLVDS, we will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each technology to enable you to select the optimum solution for required bandwidth, reach, and robustness. Join this webinar to learn from ADI experts who have an in-depth understanding of the challenges encountered in a modern factory network.
Attendees Will:
- Gain an understanding of new connectivty solutions for the explosion of data driven by Industry 4.0
- Learn which connectivity technology is suited to which use case within the smart factory
- Explore high-speed application solutions using Gigabit Ethernet, MLVDS and RS-485