The ADV7390,ADV7391, ADV7392, ADV7393, ADV7340, ADV7341, ADV7342, ADV7343, ADV7344 encoders all support NTSC 4.43.The writes below were used with the ADV7391 to get NTSC 4.43 out from the encoder. This family of encoders create the burst frequency based on the input pixel clock. The I2C device address below will need to be changed depending on the encoder used.The writes to registers 8C to 8F must be done in the sequence below. Auto-detection must be disabled on the encoder also.
Device Addr:Reg Addr:RegisterValue:
54 00 1C ; Power up DACs and PLL
54 01 00 ; SD only mode
54 80 10 ; SSAF Luma filter enabled, NTSC mode
54 82 CB ; Step control on, pixel data valid, pedestal on, PrPb SSAF on, CVBS out.
54 87 00 ; Disable autodetect mode
54 88 10 ; 10 bit input enabled
54 8C 8C ;FSC for NTSC 443
54 8D 43 ;
54 8E 0A ;
54 8F 2A ;