Dear Customers !
Please provide below details in your addressed query,
EVAL Board/CUSTOM Board -
Keyed/Non-Keyed Part -
Licensee -
FAEs -
Company -
Country -
Chipset Category -
In order to assist the queries in easiest way, Please provide your response in your current addressed query.
a) Have you able to simulate the reported issue in our evaluation board ?
b) Have you cross-check your configuration and schematic according to the reference one which is available at
respective design support file page to rule out any hardware or software issue in custom based board?
c) Please let us know, whether you can able to perform FreeRun without any issues ?
d) Connection setup -
e) Input format (Resolution), Bit depth, Color Space -
f) Custom/Standard format -
g) Input Type/Output Type (For example HDMI/Pixel bus/Analog) -
h) HDCP Enabled at Source -
i) I2P/CSC Enabled -
j) CP/SDP Core -
k) Source/Sink devices -
Primary checkpoint's for Custom based board:
To Rule Out Hardware Issues:
We are in the High-Performance Media group, are designing boards based on 50 Ohm trace impedances. This better matches design requirements for HDMI, USB, DDRs, SDRAMs and DSPs we use on our boards
1) Please give first preference to ensure your PCB layout as per HDMI Layout Guideline and below are the some of the important points that we taken into consider when HDMI interface been
All HDMI signals are differential, but rules must be followed to meet HDMI Specs.
-> HDMI termination is single ended 50 Ω so the single ended trace should match this. 100 Ω differential is derived by running two 50 Ω traces side by side with fixed separation and matching lengths.(For schematics you can do point to point routing as long as you maintain the 50 Ohms, 100 Ohm differential layout for the TMDS pairs ).
-> Common PCB design Stackups and traces widths are 50Ω single ended. It just makes running TMDS signals easier if these rules are followed.
-> These impedances come directly from the HDMI 1.4 specs.
-> 50 Ω comes from the termination impedance at the receiver
-> 100 Ω comes from the twisted cable impedance.
-> Connectors are also 50/100 compliant.
2) Please verify the video part is connected correctly to the HDMI connector with correct PCB layout.
3) Ensure with good ground connections on the board i.e Ground Plane and also Gnd pads are soldered properly.
4) If any impedance Mismatch could also cause an color issue So here expert suggested a simple tool that can give you a first pass estimate of what the trace impedance is for various board stack ups and trace widths. Please crosscheck with your board with impedance calculator PCB Trace Impedance Calculator - Simple tools to specify PCB trace impedances.
5) Please check the power rails are clean and stable and also PVDD is more sensitive to noise. If noise is coupled into PVDD the PLL might lose lock and note that PVDD is very important for maintaining the video stability. Ideally it should be ferrite bead isolated from other supplies.
6) R_EXT - External reference resistor should be conected between R_EXT pin and ground with short a trace as possible. The
external reference resistor must have a value of 887 Ohms(+/-% tolerance). It is strongly recommended to avoid running any high-speed AC or noisy signals next to the R_EXT line or close to it. Specifically it is recommended that no switching signals – such as LRCLK (including vias) be routed close to R_EXT pin (14). Low-level TMDS switching noise should have minimal impact on R_EXT. Therefore, it is acceptable to place a via for R_EXT near TMDS signals such as TX0+ and TX0-.
To Rule Out Software Issues:
1) Please ensure whether you are programming the part as per ADI Recommended writes.
2) Please ensure with crystal clock according to your part, If it is incorrect crystal clock then it may lead
to Image/Color artifacts issue.
3) Customer can request software driver by filling up a Software Request Form (SRF) at
Important Points to note:
--> For HDCP, Before we sell any keyed receivers part we verify whether the customer is an HDCP adopter (Receivers with HDCP keys require HDCP licenses to purchase). This is ADI's policy and was generated in conjunction with our lawyers and DCP.
--> To be an HDMI adopter regardless, depending on what customer are trying to do. Please check below links for the terms:
--> Part/Products should purchased from Analog devices or Authorized Distributors.
--> Please ensure ADI products are purchased exclusively from Analog devices,Inc or from Authorized Distributors listed on the this website.
--> Any discontinued or Obselete ADI products should be purchased exclusively from ADI-Authorized Distributor Rochester Electronics..
Sales Team Contact:
Please refer at or Please email your inquiry to They will route it to the appropriate person about this product details.
Segregated the Video Parts with specific functionality:
4K Supported Parts:
ADV7619/ADV7625/ADV7850/ADV8005/ADV8003 - Maximum supported output rate till 3Ghz (297Mhz).
ADV7625 - Single chip which can support Splitter functionality.
Also we can support splitter function by connecting any receiver part with pixel bus output and then we can connect the pixel output to two transmitter.
Scaling & Progressive to Interlaced (PtoI) Conversation:
ADV8005 is the only part which can support scaling as well as P to I conversation.
Analog HD to MIPI CSI:
Most of our video decoders can support analog HD signal but we don't have any part that can support Analog HD to MIPI CSI.
Analog SD to MIPI CSI:
We don't have any single chip that can convert MIPI to CVBS out.It will require two chip for converting MIPI to CVBS out.
MIPI Input - ADV7535
CVBS Output - ADV739x,ADV734x,ADV8005.
Most of our Video part can do CSC functionality but its not possible to do CSC with below parts.
ADV7180, ADV7182,ADV7184,ADV7188 ,ADV728x
I2P: (Interlaced to Progressive)
Many of our video decoders can handle this, since it's basically NTSC without the color (It should work with color Kill turned on).
"ADV8005" is single chip that can convert HDMI to CVBS conversion.
ADV7850 is a single chip which can perform this.
ADI does not have any specific chips meant for DP to HDMI or HDMI to DP conversion.
But this conversion is possible & Please refer VESA DisplayPort Interoperability Guideline v1.1.pdf
HDMI to SDI conversion:
ADI does not have any direct HDMI to SDI conversion but we can achieve this by interfacing our video part with Sematech SDI Transmitter/Receiver.
ADV7782 is the only product that can support LVDS to MIPI But we can have the part which can support LVDS In ,LVDS Out, TTL In to LVDS out.
ADV7671 /ADV7672
Not Recommended for new design: