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I am using HDMI TX ADV7511W with its digital inputs interfaced to FPGA (Virtex 7).

The datasheet mentions that its video/audio logic accepts levels from 1.8V to 3.3V.

The IC ADV7511W has 1.8V Supply Voltage (DVDD, AVDD, PVDD, BGVDD) and 3.3V Supply Voltage (DVDD_3V). There is no specific IO voltage pin (like DVDD_IO for some other interfaces). So how does it know which IO Voltage its working with? 

Can I interface its digital inputs with LVCMOS18 IO standard working on 1.8V IO interfaced to FPGA?


  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember
on May 22, 2017 3:32 PM

Yes, the open drain can be pulled to 2.5V.

The power rails of the ADV7511 must remain as defined.  They can not be changed to 2.5V.  The inputs will work with 2.5V sources even though the rails are at 3.3V.

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember
on May 22, 2017 3:32 PM

Yes, the open drain can be pulled to 2.5V.

The power rails of the ADV7511 must remain as defined.  They can not be changed to 2.5V.  The inputs will work with 2.5V sources even though the rails are at 3.3V.

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