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I am using HDMI TX ADV7511W with its digital inputs interfaced to FPGA (Virtex 7).

The datasheet mentions that its video/audio logic accepts levels from 1.8V to 3.3V.

The IC ADV7511W has 1.8V Supply Voltage (DVDD, AVDD, PVDD, BGVDD) and 3.3V Supply Voltage (DVDD_3V). There is no specific IO voltage pin (like DVDD_IO for some other interfaces). So how does it know which IO Voltage its working with? 

Can I interface its digital inputs with LVCMOS18 IO standard working on 1.8V IO interfaced to FPGA?


From the electrical specifications Vih_min = 1.35V and Vih_max = 3.5V so it will work with FPGA 1.8V busses or LVCMOS18.  The part doesn't care which input voltage you are driving the signals at. 

The I2C lines are spec'd at Vih_min=1.4V

SDA and INT pins are open collector outputs so they should be pulled to either 1.8 or 3.3V

INT is also an output but it can be configured as

  • I have a similar question, in the datasheet mentions that the voltage level of digital inputs are between 1.35V and 3.5V, but in Hardware User's Guide indicates that: 

    " The digital inputs (video, audio) on the ADV7511W work with 1.8V and 3.3V signal levels. The I2C ports
    (DDCSDA/DDCSCL and SDA/SCL) and (Consumer Electronic Control) CEC port work with 1.8V and 3.3V and are
    tolerant of 5V logic levels. "

    So I would like to know if it is possible interface digital IO with 2.5 V to FPGA.


  • Yes, it should work fine with 2.5V FPGA sources.  We just have not done specific tests at 2.5V so we cannot add those tables to the data sheet.

  • So interface CLK, DE, VSYNC, HSYNC, SCL, SDA and INT with 2.5V is possible too?

  • The Hardware Users Guide Table 1, defines the digital input acceptable voltage levels.  Digital outputs are still defined with a 3.3V rail.  The only digital outputs are INT, SDA and SPDIF_OUT and are referenced from MVdd (3.3V).  If you attempt lower MVdd to 2.5V then it is possible the output timing might slow down.  Again we have no specific test data with MVdd at 2.5V.

  • Okey, for the other hand, Hardware Users Guide indicates:

    " The interrupt pin, INT is an open drain output. It should be pulled to a logic high level (such as 1.8V or 3.3V depending on the high logic level of the microcontroller) through a resistor (2kOhm to 5kOhm)"

    The SDA and SCL pins should be connected to an I2C Master. A pull-up resistor of 2kΩ (+/-10%) to 1.8V or 3.3V is recommended for each of these signals. "

    So, can I pull-up these pins to 2.5V or the output timing can slow down?

    Moreover, to interface digital input pins to 2.5V, I have to change the level of the power supply pins (AVDD, BGVDD, DVDD, PVDD)?


  • Yes, the open drain can be pulled to 2.5V.

    The power rails of the ADV7511 must remain as defined.  They can not be changed to 2.5V.  The inputs will work with 2.5V sources even though the rails are at 3.3V.

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    EZ Admin