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     I have a question about the test pattern of the ED.

     so, I want to generate a test black bar with YPBPR ,I set the register

0x00     ->     0x1c 

0x01    ->     0x10

0x31    ->     0x05

0x02    ->     0x24

      nothing on the screen,

     and I set the NTSC test black bar

0x00     ->     0x1c 

0x82    ->     0xc9

0x84    ->     0x40

     it is sucessfull

    are there some differents about  ED and SD in the hardware ?

    the DAC1 wave of 'SD'


   the DAC1 WAVE of 'ED'

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi,

    To generate an SD NTSC black bar test pattern, the settings shown in Table 60 should be used with an additional write of 0x24 to Sub-address 0x02

    For CVBS and S-Video (Y/C) output, 0xCB instead of 0xC9 should be written to Sub-address 0x82.
    For component RGB output rather than YPrPb output, 0 should be written to Sub-address 0x02, Bit 5.


    Note:For use with ED/HD internal test patterns only (Subaddress 0x31, Bit 2 = 1), May i know your input format ?



  • Analog video signal


    I am using ADV7391.

    I am getting SD NTSC black bar test pattern but i am not getting ED black bar test pattern 525P.

    I am using these settings to generate ED test pattern

    For ED test patterns, a 27 MHz clock signal  applied to the CLKIN pin

    0x00     ->     0x1c 

    0x01    ->     0x10

    0x31    ->     0x05

    0x02    ->     0x24


  • Hi Poornima,

    Any hardware changes required to generate ED test pattern. I am able to get SD test pattern.


  • Hi,

    Please cross check with reference schematic which is available at

    And also ED/HD test pattern color controls,three 8-bit registers at Subaddress 0x36 to Subaddress 0x38 are used to program the output color of the internal ED/HD test pattern generator(Subaddress 0x31, Bit 2 = 1), whether it be the lines of the crosshatch pattern or the uniform field test pattern. They are not functional as color controls for external pixel data input.Please refer Page55 in ADV739x datasheet.



  • Hi Poornima,

    Please find attached cross hatch test pattern output.

    For ED test patterns, a 27 MHz clock signal  applied to the CLKIN pin

    0x00     ->     0x1c 

    0x01    ->     0x10

    0x31    ->     0x05

    0x36 reg value -> 0xA0

    0x36  Reg  Value -> 0xA0 (Y value)

    0x36  Reg  Value -> 0x51 0x36  Reg  Value -> 0x51 (Y value)

    0x36  Reg  Value -> 0x10 0x36  Reg  Value -> 0x10 (Y value)

    -> Cr value for all 0x80

    -> cb value for all 0x80

    -> I have connected only Y output to TV.  I have not connected Pr and Pb output to TV.

    -> There is vertical black screen in the center of the test pattern. Can you please tell is this correct output ? 

    -> If i connect Y output to other TV then i am not getting test pattern video. 

    -> I have tried four different TV, I got attached test pattern on one TV only and that also not correct as per my understanding.  

  • Hi,

      Yes,vertical black screen in the center for hatch test pattern.

      For black color test pattern,Y value should configure as 16(0x10),Cr as 128(0x80),Cb as 128(0x80) as per the table above.May i know the reason,why you have chosen Y value as 0x51,0xA0?

    Note: ADV739x does not support color bars in ED/HD resolution. Hatch, black bar and flat field test patterns are supported. That is an error in the data sheet that will be rectified in the next revision of the document.

        Color  bars are just available on SD standards. On ED/HD the user can select between a  black and white bar, a hatch pattern, and a plain color. On the last two, the  color which defines the hatch pattern or the plain frame, can be selected  through registers 0x36-0x39



  • Hi Poornima,

    Thanks for your quick response. 

    I have used different Y value to check intensity of hatch cross bar (white color lines). I have shared three images of hatch cross-bar pattern(1st  with Y-0x51 , 2nd with Y-0x51 and 3rd with Y-0x10) in previous reply.

    -> I tried following settings for Black bar pattern

    ED 525P  CLKIN = 27Mhz

    ADDR          DATA

    0x00     ->     0x1c 

    0x01    ->     0x10

    0x31    ->     0x05

    0x02    ->     0x24

    -> I tried with different Tv. One Tv gives me black bar pattern as shown below image. In another one I am getting no video signal detected. I think something is not right. Can you please guide me.


    -> I tried following settings for flat field test pattern

    ADDR          DATA

    0x00     ->     0x1c 

    0x01    ->     0x10

    0x31    ->     0x0D

  • Hi,

     For no video case, check Tv info, whether that sink(TV) may support your input format.



  • Hi,

    TV is supporting NTSC 525p format. I am not sure but I think issue is with ADV analog output. I have tried with four differenet TV.  

  • Hi,

     I think,we have tried maximum possibilities case.Do you have one of our evaluation board for ADV7393?

     Please crosscheck with reference schematic which is available at

