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adv7343 problem

hi i am using the adv7343 with fpga and adv7180 in order to transform pal to ntsc in real time. the adv7180 is part of my altera board (de2 115 cyclon 4E) and i have no problems with it. the adv7343 i bought separately and i have assembled it on my own with the tools and parts I had. I followed the circuit in the adv7343 datasheet as close as i could ,i attached the scheme with the exact values i used in my circuit.

the problem i am having is with the i2c, the component is not reacting well. it gives ack when it doesn't need to give one like when i send to address 0x50 data and it doesn't give a NACK

so my problem is that i don't know if the component is good or is it a problem with my circuit.

in addition i used an oscillator to generate the 27MHz freq and this is the clock:

the i2c writes i'm using is:



0x5682CB  \\ i am using cbvs on DAC1

thanks a lot

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember
on Sep 9, 2015 1:16 PM

The schematic looks good.  I assume you have pull up resistors on SDA and SCL lines off board.

Please verify your I2C address you are using.

The ADV7343 will be at either 0xD4 or 0xD6 (8-bit addressing)

The AVV7180 will be at either 0x40 or 0x42 (8-bit addressing)

0x56 does not appear to be the correct address

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember
on Sep 9, 2015 1:16 PM

The schematic looks good.  I assume you have pull up resistors on SDA and SCL lines off board.

Please verify your I2C address you are using.

The ADV7343 will be at either 0xD4 or 0xD6 (8-bit addressing)

The AVV7180 will be at either 0x40 or 0x42 (8-bit addressing)

0x56 does not appear to be the correct address

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