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Assistance Needed for Improving SOG Display Quality on ADV7850

Category: Hardware
Product Number: ADV7850
Hi Team,
We are experiencing an issue with the ADV7850 in Sync on Green (SOG) mode. While the same video timing parameters produce a clear display in VGA mode, the SOG mode results in noticeable ghosting, which affects image recognition.

We have provided the following chart to customer for confirmation. And you can find that CH1_SYNC_SRC[1:0](0x85) in ADV7850 has no option "11". They used "00 - Autodetect Mode" and read back CH1_CUR_SYNC_SRC[1:0]="11".

In this case, SOG mode was recognized by ADV7850 successfully. (cp_current_sync_sorc=b'11')
Following the chart below for confirmation. And you can find that CH1_SYNC_SRC[1:0](0x85) in ADV7850 has no option "11". They used "00 - Autodetect Mode" and read back CH1_CUR_SYNC_SRC[1:0]="11".
 Could you advise if there are any specific settings or additional processing steps required to improve display quality under SOG mode?
Thank you for your guidance!
Bruce Tsao
  • Hi, 

     Apologies for the delayed response since we have pongal holiday here.

     ADV7842 has option of setting "11" and this register description will be available in UG-214: ADV7842 Hardware User Guide


      Kindly note that, ADV7842 & ADV7850 parts will come under same family so we can use this configuration for setting the embedded sync mode in forced mode.

      Please check with this configuration "44 85 1B " and let us know the result. 

      If possible, Please share your register configuration.

