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video line driver and receiver for differential input and output

We are planning to use ADV7181C video decoder in our application and for this we need some analog video line driver and receiver for differential input and output.


In our application Input video is STANAG3350B in differential mode.


Differential voltage:-

RED and BLUE = +/- 0.7V

Green = +/-1V (Signal +0.7V and SYNC 0.3V (negative))


Please suggest some differential to single ended convertor IC and single ended to differential convertor IC for analog RGB video (STANAG 3350B).

on Jan 24, 2017 4:16 PM

Are you looking for CAT5 type drivers/receivers?

CAT-5 Video Drivers | Analog Devices 

CAT-5 Video Receivers | Analog Devices 

or op amp style amplifiers like the AD8042

Video Op Amps | Analog Devices 

  • Will it support RGB with Sync on Green Input ?

    In our application input video is differential Analog RGB with Sync on Green and Output also differential Analog RGB with SYNC on green.

    Differential voltage for RED and BLUE = 1.4V p-p

    Differential voltage for Green with sync embedded = 2V p-p

  • Are you transmitting video at twice the normal amplitude or did you not include the 75 Ohm series and load resistor in the measurement?

  • We are transmitting video through ADV7123 with 75ohm termination and further want to convert to differential RGB signal 

    As i said we want Differential voltage to be 1.4V p-p.

    R+/B+ = +0.7V

    R-/B- = -0.7V

    G+ = +1V (WITH SYNC)

    G- = -1V (WITH SYNC)

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    EZ Admin