The customer is evaluating with free run disabled.
When free run disabled, what state will ADV7480 output be in if the HDMI cable is unplugged while video is being output?
Hi-z? LP00 LP11 other?
When free run disabled, please tell us the expected behavior of ADV7480 when the HDMI cable is unplugged.
I'm sorry for the sudden request, but could you please respond by August 6th?
We have picked out the register settings related to free run.
(E0 03 Bit1) I2C FREE RUN EN=0 (Disable CP free run mode)
(E0 04 Bit7) i2c cp force freerun ch1=0
(44 FF Bit4) tllc free run=0 (CP not free running)
(94 DA Bit2) mipi_pll_lock_flag=1 (PLL locked)
(94 DA Bit1) mipi_pll_clk_det=1 (lock detect enable)
(94 DA Bit0) mipi_pll_EN=1 (Power UP MIPI PLL)
Best regards.