We are using ADV7181C in out custom card, We are getting noise at particularly for small font, if we zoom the video ,text is displaying properly. we are using STANAG video as input to ADV7181C.We suspecting that ADV7181C is picking up the noise . the noise is like white color dots all around the display. if we keep input video as white text with blue back ground, white text is blinking and and looks like shaking.
Please suggest any workarounds to resolve this. Is there any other registers to look around.
{0x0F, 0x80},//Added this register for reset all the registers
{0x05, 0x00},//Prim_Mode =000b for SD-M
{0x06, 0x0B},//VID_STD=1011 for SD 4x1 625i
{0x0C, 0x10},//Added this register to produce black color output when STANAG/RGB input is not there
{0x0D, 0x88},//Added this register to produce black color output when STANAG/RGB input is not there
{0x1D, 0x47},//Enable 28MHz Crystal
{0x3A, 0x11},//Set Latch Clock 01b, Power Down ADC3
{0x3B, 0x81},//Enable internal Bias
{0x3C, 0x52},// PLL_QPUMP to 010b
{0xC4, 0x85},//Manual Muxing - ADC2=AIN5(R)
{0xC3, 0x46},//Manual Muxing - ADC0=AIN6(G), ADC1=AIN4(B)
{0x52, 0x00},//Colour Space Conversion from RGB->YCrCb
{0x53, 0x00},//CSC
{0x54, 0x12},//CSC
{0x55, 0x90},//CSC
{0x56, 0x38},//CSC
{0x57, 0x69},//CSC
{0x58, 0x48},//CSC
{0x59, 0x08},//CSC
{0x5A, 0x00},//CSC
{0x5B, 0x75},//CSC
{0x5C, 0x21},//CSC
{0x5D, 0x00},//CSC
{0x5E, 0x1A},//CSC
{0x5F, 0xB8},//CSC
{0x60, 0x08},//CSC
{0x61, 0x00},//CSC
{0x62, 0x20},//CSC
{0x63, 0x03},//CSC
{0x64, 0xD7},//CSC
{0x65, 0x19},//CSC
{0x66, 0x48},//CSC last
{0x67, 0x13},//DPP Filters
{0x6B, 0xC3},//Select 422 8 bit YPrPb out from CP
{0x73, 0xCF},//Enable Manual Gain and set CH_A gain
{0x74, 0xA3},//Set CH_A and CH_B Gain - 0FAh
{0x75, 0xE8},//Set CH_B and CH_C Gain
{0x76, 0xFA},//Set CH_C Gain
{0x7B, 0x06},//clears the bits CP_DUP_AV and AV_Blank_EN
{0x85, 0x19},//Turn off SSPD and force SOY. For Eval Board.
{0x86, 0x1B},//Enable stdi_line_count_mode
{0x8F, 0x77},//FR_LL to 1820 & Enable 28.63MHz LLC
{0x90, 0x1C},//FR_LL to 1820
{0xBF, 0x06},//Blue Screen Free Run Colour
{0xC0, 0x10},//default value -> 0x40. Modified to produce black color output when STANAG/RGB input is
not there
{0xC1, 0x80},//default value -> 0xF0. Modified to produce black color output when STANAG/RGB input is
not there
{0xC2, 0x80},//Default value -> 0x80. Modified to produce black color output when STANAG/RGB input is
not there
{0xC5, 0x01},//CP_CLAMP_AVG_FACTOR[1-0] = 00b
{0xC9, 0x0C},//Enable DDR Mode
{0xF3, 0x07},//Enable Anti Alias Filters on ADC 0,1,2
{0x0E, 0x80},//ADI Recommended Setting
{0x52, 0x46},//ADI Recommended Setting
{0x54, 0x00},//ADI Recommended Setting
{0xF6, 0x3B},//ADI Recommended Setting
{0x0E, 0x00},//ADI Recommended Setting
{0xF1, 0x00},//Added for contrast 25%
{0x17, 0x81},//changes
{0xf3, 0x00},
{0x4d, 0xFF},
{0x3c, 0x5F},
{0x50, 0xFF},
{0xfb, 0xFF},
{0xfc, 0xFF},
{0xf8, 0x00},
{0x08, 0x80},
{0xe3, 0xFF},
{0xe4, 0xFF},
{0xe1, 0xFF},
{0x30, 0xD9},
{0x30, 0xFF},
{0x2f, 0xFF},
{0x04, 0x77},
{0xDe, 0x08},
{0xDe, 0x00},
{0x67, 0x01},
Thanks in advance.