ADV7182A is connected to NTSC signal, the vsync output has 507 lines, and there are 27 lines of black edge at the top of the image, how to change it to 480 lines? (720x 254,720x253 to 720X240)
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The ADV7182A has the same pinout and is software
compatible with the ADV7182.
The ADV7182A is a versatile, one chip, multiformat video
decoder that automatically...
ADV7182A on
ADV7182A is connected to NTSC signal, the vsync output has 507 lines, and there are 27 lines of black edge at the top of the image, how to change it to 480 lines? (720x 254,720x253 to 720X240)
Dear Varshini K:
Thank you for your reply;