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To use AD9984A for coverting VGA signal to 24-bit RGB to the Microprocessor for further processing; which bits in the 30-bit RGB of AD9984A are to be discarded in schematic of hardware

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: AD9984A

I want to use AD9984A for coverting VGA signal to 24-bit RGB to the Microprocessor for further processing. Which bits in the 30-bit RGB of AD9984A are to be discarded in schematic hardware?

Whether AD9984A can be used for getting 24-bit RGB data? I want to store the input VGA to Microprocessor by converting to 24-bit RGB. Since AD9983A is going obsolete I cannot use in my new design. Hence AD9984A is planned to be used.

(Is this device suitable for VGA to 24-bit RGB conversion , if not please advice with any suitable Analog Devices IC)

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