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GMSL to SVGA conversion using ADV7125

Hello ,

there is a need to convert gmsl video signal coming from max9249 through an stp cable to svga  with the use of an adapter board .
The SVGA should comply with:

  • VESA-2004-10 Video timing
  • VESA-2002-12 Signal definition
  • Comply VESA VSIS standard
  • RGB Outputs 0 to 0.7V
  • 800x600 @ 60, 72, 75, 85Hz non interlaced
  • HSync and VSync 3.3V (LVTTL/CMOS)

I searched a bit and I realized that I have to use a Video DAC for my purpose.
The solutions I found, for example the ADV7125, need parallel interface 24bit rgb inputs , so the signals must come directly from the deserializer if possible in the same interface.
There are some deserializers such as the max9276A, which seem to be able to deliver this interface.  So the idea is try to connect these 2 devices together.
The serializer of the other side(of which the gmsl signal comes from) is the max9249.
My question is if I miss something really crucial in this concept, for example can the ADV match the desired resolution of the svga, etc. etc., because this architecture seems to be at least HW-wise feasible.
Could you please help me?

Thank you very much in advance.

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[edited by: gkef at 9:14 AM (GMT -5) on 15 Dec 2023]