About the ADV7511
What is the value of BCAPS of 0xBE referring to?
The ADV7511 is installed in a repeater device, but should I confirm that 0xBE[6] is "1" as shown in Figure 26?
Best Regard.
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The ADV7511 is a 225 MHz High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI®) transmitter, which is ideal for home entertainment products including DVD players...
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About the ADV7511
What is the value of BCAPS of 0xBE referring to?
The ADV7511 is installed in a repeater device, but should I confirm that 0xBE[6] is "1" as shown in Figure 26?
Best Regard.
Please find the below snap about the 0xBE (BCAPS) register details,
The REPEATER bit (0xBE[6]) should be set before the HDCP transmitter initiates authentication. If the system is a repeater, that should therefore be set at the initialization of the system.
Reading HDCP (BKSV) of ADV7511
・Although it was not described in Figure 26, is it necessary to set 0x95 [6] from the default '0=interrupt disabled' to '1interrupt enabled' to turn on the HDCP function?
・If the device is a repeater and BKSV does not finish reading in one time, even if 0x97[6]="1", 0xC8[3:0]=4 will not be set and if 0x97[6] is cleared, Can I assume that the subsequent BKSV value will be read automatically?
Best Regard.
Although it was not described in Figure 26, is it necessary to set 0x95 [6] from the default '0=interrupt disabled' to '1interrupt enabled' to turn on the HDCP function ?
Yes, We need to enable BKSV interrupt flag and also let me know from which document you are mentioning about the figure 26.
Kindly ensure with below things to confirm the BKSV read.
--> One way to confirm that all BKSVs have been read is to check if the “HDCP
Authenticated” interrupt 0x96[1] has occurred
--> Another way is to confirm this is to check that the BKSV ready interrupt
0x97[6] remains 0 after clearing it.
Also ensure with below HDCP initiated sequence,
HDCP is always initiated with the following sequence
- Enable HDCP by setting 0xAF[7] to 1
- Wait for BKSV Ready Interrupt (0x97[6]) to be 1
- Collect BKSV from register map and check with revocation list
- Clear BKSV Ready Interrupt by writing 0x97[6] = 1
Also Check that 0xAF[7] is still set to 1 at least once every 2 seconds until HDCP is disabled to avoid external register tampering.
Please note if it is an Repeater application, Rx part can decrypt, then process the video, then re-encrypt on the HDMI transmitter & for the we need to implement the repeater though so that the source is authenticating your HDMI RX as well as the TV.
Thank you, Poornima.