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[ADV7282A-M] Further details on I2P conversion.

Category: Hardware
Product Number: ADV7282A-M


I have some questions about more details of I2P conversion of ADV7282A-M.

I had asked similar question about this on the following Engineer Zone thread:
[ADV7282A-M] More details of the I2P interpolation.

Question and your answer:
  Does it mean linear interpolation? (Does it mean that line2 is interpolated by linear?)
  Is it the way to generate line 2 from average of line 1 and line 3?
        YES, linear interpolation will generate an new scan line between two input scan lines, & You can get the more details of linear interpolation in the "video-demy5.pdf" .
                 outn = (inn–1 + inn+1) / 2

But it seems that the I2P interpolation is not only "outn = (inn–1 + inn+1) / 2".

I summarized the questions to an attached file "ADV7282A_M_I2P_Conversion_Questions.xlsx".
Please refer it.

Thank you!
Best regards.