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Selecting oscillator ADV7280A-M

Category: Hardware
Product Number: ADV7280A-M

I'm using ABM11-28.63636MHZ-D2X-T3 as the ADV7280A-M oscillator.
Is this oscillator fit the device requirments?

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember
on Oct 3, 2022 10:54 AM

Tolerance is good.  The schematics normally use a 30Ohm crystal.  You may have to tweak the load caps or change to a low series resistance crystal.

  • Hi,

    At the ABM11-28.63636MHZ-D2X-T3 data sheet the ESR is 100 ohm. Is it OK?

    What's the load caps and series resistance values?



  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember on Oct 3, 2022 12:06 PM in reply to Shmuel.ili

    The goal is to get the crystal to spin and maintain tolerance over temp.  Here's an app note on our video crystal oscillators.


  • Hi,

    I didn't understand. Can I use ESR 100ohm for the ADV7280A-M?



  • Reply Children
    • FormerMember
      +1 FormerMember
    on Oct 6, 2022 9:15 AM in reply to Shmuel.ili

    The 100 Ohm part may work but you will probably have to change the load caps.  You can only 100% verify what the new load caps are when you have the final board to test with.