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ADV7842 vs ADV7844

Category: Hardware

The ADV7842 seems to cut off the top few "lines" when using the composite input, did the ADV7844 correct that issue or is it still present?  Any other quality differences between the two or just more HDMI inputs on the ADV7844?

  • Hi,

      ADV7842 is the same part except it has 2 less HDMI inputs ports other than that there is no difference between ADV7842 and ADV7844.

      Could you please share your register configuration with us.

      Also please try with other Source and Sink.



  • I have screen captures proving the issue but my post gets flagged when I try and show you.  

    wri2c 50 10 05
    wri2c 50 11 08
    wri2c 50 19 10
    wri2c 50 1B 02
    wri2c 40 FF 80
    wri2c 40 F1 90
    wri2c 40 F2 94
    wri2c 40 F3 84
    wri2c 40 F4 80
    wri2c 40 F5 7C
    wri2c 40 F8 4C
    wri2c 40 F9 64
    wri2c 40 FA 6C
    wri2c 40 FB 68
    wri2c 40 FD 44
    wri2c 40 FE 48
    wri2c 40 F1 90
    wri2c 40 F2 94
    wri2c 40 F3 84
    wri2c 40 F4 80
    wri2c 40 F5 7C
    wri2c 40 F8 4C
    wri2c 40 F9 64
    wri2c 40 FA 6C
    wri2c 40 FB 68
    wri2c 40 FD 44
    wri2c 40 FE 48
    wri2c 50 20 00
    wri2c 40 00 01
    wri2c 40 01 00
    wri2c 50 20 00
    wri2c 40 03 00
    wri2c 40 04 82
    wri2c 40 0C 40
    wri2c 40 15 80
    wri2c 40 19 83
    wri2c 40 33 40
    wri2c 4C 00 0E
    wri2c 4C 02 80
    wri2c 4C 03 B0
    wri2c 4C 0C 1F
    wri2c 4C 12 63
    wri2c 94 60 01
    wri2c 94 7A A5
    wri2c 94 7B 8F
    wri2c 94 75 0A
    wri2c 94 97 00
    wri2c 94 B2 60
    wri2c 90 00 7F
    wri2c 90 01 00
    wri2c 90 03 E4
    wri2c 90 04 0B
    wri2c 90 05 C3
    wri2c 90 06 FE
    wri2c 90 12 01
    wri2c 90 34 20
    wri2c 90 A7 00
    wri2c 90 A9 B6
    wri2c 90 AA B6
    wri2c 72 01 00
    wri2c 72 02 18
    wri2c 72 03 00
    wri2c 72 15 03
    wri2c 72 16 E7
    wri2c 72 18 46
    wri2c 72 40 80
    wri2c 72 41 10
    wri2c 72 48 08
    wri2c 72 49 A8
    wri2c 72 4C 00
    wri2c 72 55 20
    wri2c 72 56 08
    wri2c 72 96 20
    wri2c 72 98 03
    wri2c 72 99 02
    wri2c 72 9C 30
    wri2c 72 9D 61
    wri2c 72 A2 A4
    wri2c 72 A3 A4
    wri2c 72 A5 44
    wri2c 72 AB 40
    wri2c 72 AF 16
    wri2c 72 BA 60
    wri2c 72 D1 FF
    wri2c 72 DE 9C
    wri2c 72 E4 60
    wri2c 72 FA 7D

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember
on Oct 5, 2022 10:49 AM in reply to pbiancardi

Hi, the forum denied your last post with a picture image link.  (denied because of the link).  I can't access that image either.  CAn you find another way to get that image to this post

  • https://free      YX

    See if this works, get rid of the spaces.

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember on Oct 5, 2022 10:58 AM in reply to pbiancardi

    yes, I can see them image after I remove the spaces

  • So the Kramer (7842), Lumagen (7800), and 7842 Eval Board all have the missing lines but the Onkyo (7844) does not.  Is this a register issue that can be corrected or a bug?

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember on Oct 5, 2022 11:02 AM in reply to FormerMember

    As Poornima stated, the ADV7844 and ADV7842 are the same die with just different bond outs and packages.  There must be some differences in the registers.  Can you dump both register sets and do a side by side comparison.

  • Reply
    • FormerMember
      0 FormerMember
    on Oct 5, 2022 11:02 AM in reply to FormerMember

    As Poornima stated, the ADV7844 and ADV7842 are the same die with just different bond outs and packages.  There must be some differences in the registers.  Can you dump both register sets and do a side by side comparison.

    Children on Oct 5, 2022 11:46 AM in reply to pbiancardi

    That would be my guess too.  Check the vertical front and back porch settings

  • We figured out the register and fixed, you can close this issue.