How critical is the ESR value for the 28.63636MHz for this product, I am having a few issues with suppliers.
I have various suppliers with different ESR Max values, 35ohms another with 40 ohms and another with 50ohms on their datasheets for this 28.63636MHz quartz in this package size.
How will this affect or not affect my setup.
Also I would like clarification on the total frequency tolerance required for this product, on page 6 of the datasheet is states
,Frequency Stability ±50 ppm
But then in the table on page 16 it states,
Frequency Calibration (at 25°C) ±20 ppm
Frequency Temperature StabilityTolerance ±50 ppm
Aging per Year ±3 ppm
So does that mean that to get the total tolerance I have 20ppm + 50ppm + aging?