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About AP1_OUT of ADV7625


Please tell me about ADV7625.

I set the AP1_OUT port pins individually using the tristate_ap1_out_x [7:0] control register.

I'd like to use the AP1_OUT4 port, but the port couldn't communicate as I2S data.

The AP1_OUT port 0 and 1 were working as I2S data and I could measure their waveform.

Could you help me?

Best Regards


Parents Reply
  • Hi,

      How you are saying whether you are giving MCPCM input at source.  Have you confirm the same with back to back connection (Source --> Sink).

     Please use the source like generator or player which can pumps the Multi channel PCM Audio and verify the output with direct connection before using the board.

     We always recommend customer to use HDMI generator for initial development and this would be helpful for debugging the projects especially HDMI audio projects.


