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About AP1_OUT of ADV7625


Please tell me about ADV7625.

I set the AP1_OUT port pins individually using the tristate_ap1_out_x [7:0] control register.

I'd like to use the AP1_OUT4 port, but the port couldn't communicate as I2S data.

The AP1_OUT port 0 and 1 were working as I2S data and I could measure their waveform.

Could you help me?

Best Regards


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi,

    YES, below is the default mapping when i2s_spdif_map_rot=00 & i2s_spdif_map_inv =0.

    i2s_spdif_map_inv =1, it will invert the arrangements when i2s_spdif_map_rot=00 & i2s_spdif_map_inv =1.

    i2s_spdif_map_rot[1:0] - This control is used to select the arrangement of the I2S/SPDIF interface on the corresponding APx_OUT audio output port pins and the arrangement of the I2S/SPDIF interface on the audio output port pins is determined by "I2S_SPDIF_MAP_ROT".

     For example "I2S3 on AP1 or I2S0 on AP1" So depending on that you will get the channel output. 

     I2S0/SPDIF0 I2S audio (Channel 1, Channel 2)/SPDIF0

     I2S1/SPDIF1 I2S audio (Channel 3, Channel 4)/SPDIF1

     I2S2/SPDIF2 I2S audio (Channel 5, Channel 6)/SPDIF2

     I2S3/SPDIF3 I2S audio (Channel 7, Channel 8)/SPDIF3

        AP1 - Front L/R

        AP2 - Sub/Cen

        AP3 - Rear L/R

        AP4 - Surround Back L/R

     Please note "i2soutmode[1:0]and i2sbitwidth[4:0]" controls are used to configure the I2S output interface for audio extraction.



  • Dear Poornima



    Sorry, but I've clicked complete by my mistake.

    By the way, I changed I2S audio mapping before but I couldn't confirm the waveform for 

    I2S data from AP1_OUT4.

    What do you have any answers?



    Best Regards


  • Hi,

     As i already mentioned,  We have used ADV7625 part in Eval Melody5/6/7/8

     ADV7625 part has four I2S pins and this has been connected to DSP processor for achieving the 8 channel output of PCM,HBR etc.

     But I don't know, why this is not working from your end.



  • Dear



    Could you tell me the register that you use if it's possible ?


    Best Regards


  • Hi,

      As stated, Will use above register for enabling the extraction other than that there is no much complication of using the register for enabling the extraction.  Please let us know, Is it Possible for you to tape-out the I2S pins ?

      In your driver, Have you implemented any commands for enabling the extraction. Please ensure whether you are giving the commands in right way.


      Have you reviewed your schematic with our reference one 7356.EVAL-ADV7625-SMZ_rev0p1_schems_20150811.pdf



  • Dear Poornima


    I use a script file (4101.ADV7625-26-27_Ver1.0.txt) and enable the extraction so I haven't implemented any commands.

    I have reviewed my schematic with your reference one.

    I think it is no problem.

    What do you mean "tape-out the I2S pins" ?


    Best Regards


  • Hi,

      By doing some wiring on the I2S pins and probe the particular wiring stead of probing directly into the pins.



  • Dear Poornima


    Anyway I can't confirm the waveform for I2S data on 4,5,6 pin of RA20 in ADV7625 Eva.

    So I don't know whether your idea is efficiently.


    Best Regards


  • Hi,

      How you are saying whether you are giving MCPCM input at source.  Have you confirm the same with back to back connection (Source --> Sink).

     Please use the source like generator or player which can pumps the Multi channel PCM Audio and verify the output with direct connection before using the board.

     We always recommend customer to use HDMI generator for initial development and this would be helpful for debugging the projects especially HDMI audio projects.



  • Dear Poornima


    I'm not saying whether I'm giving MCPCM input at source.

    Anyway I'd like to know how to output I2S0 from AP1_OUT4.

    Or the main i2s data is not able to output from AP1_OUT4?


    Best Regards
