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How different is the ADV7842 from the AD9882A

We have used the AD9882A for some time in a variety of designs.  The recommended

replacement for the now EOL'd 9882 is the 7482.  Without spending a lot of time doing

a deep comparison, the 7482 certainly "looks and smells" a lot like the 9882.  Of course

the package is totally different, which it not very convenient. But, if we can use most of

our existing code with few if any changes then that would be REALLY nice.

Does AD have any documentation that compares these parts?


I do not know of any documentation for porting AD9882 system over to the ADV7842.  On the down side there is enough difference between the 2 parts a direct conversion is not possible.  On the upside we have full software required to drive the chip that is readily available.

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