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ADV7180 loses horizontal sync when tries to encode a picture with too bright light source

Hello, Analog Devices,

My system has next structure:

CAM(SMX-F30BP) -> Galvanic Transformer 1 -> (ADV7180BCPZ) -> ADV212 -> MY DATA CHANNEL -> ADV212 -> ADV7391BCPZ -> Galvanic transformer 2 -> TV

When I direct my camera to bright light source (for examp, lamp), TV shows blinking picture (sometimes picture dissapears).

To catch this effect the camera shoud be directed to the upper left corner, or to the lower right ones. When I delete galvanic transformer 1 from the system, picture doesn't blinking.

Simple system CAM -> Galvanic Transformer -> TV works stable.

I think, that the problem in block connected with ADV7180. ADC cannot capture horisontal sync. Schematic you can see below:

The camera output video stream in PAL 720x576(50i) format. CVBS to Ain1.

I use following settings for the chip:

Register Name
Register number (in hex)
Register Value (in hex)
Input control 00 00
Video selection 01 80
Output control 03 0C
Extended output control 04 24 (00100100)
Analog clamp control 14 12 (00010010)
Digital clamp control1 15 60 (01100000)
Shapping filter control 17 41
Shapping filter control2 18 93 (10010011)
Contrast 08 80
Brightness 0A 00
Hue 0B 00
Default Value Y 0C 52 (01010010)
Default Value C 0D F8 (11111000)
Misc gain control 2B A0
VS field control 31 02
AGC mode control 2C AE (10101110)
Chroma gain control1 2D F4 (11110100)
Chroma gain control2 2E 00
Luma gain control1 2F F2 (11110010)
Luma gain control2 30 00
Drive strength F4 00
IF comp control F9 07 (00000111)
VS field pin control 58 01
Manual window control 3D A2 (10100010)
BLM optimization 3E 6A
BGB optimization 3F A0
CTI DNR control1 4D CF (11001111)
CTI DNR control2 4E 0A
CTI DNR control4 50 0A
Lock count 51 F6 (11110110)
PAL V begin E8 41
PAL V end E9 84
VBLANK control1 EB 6C (01011100)
VBLANK control2 EC 6C (01011100)
Peaking control FB A0 (10000000)
Coring threshold FC 04 (00000100)
Register map hidden 0E 80
ADC configuration 55 81
Register map user 0E 00


I have made 2 situation (good case and bad case):

In good case picture from DAC was stable and we could measure normal clamp level from it (600 mV). (Fig. 28 from Datasheet). Photos are in attachement.

In bad case picture from DAC was blinking and we could see how clamp level have changed. ClampLevelDelta = 30-40 mV. Clamping system were inefficient.

May I change the power of current sources in ADV7180 clamp system? Will it help me solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.

  • Hi, Dave,

    DaveD wrote:

    I asked about HS to rule out the ADV212-- since I've known it to have issues with some data patterns similar to what you are seeing.  I have not previously heard of this with the ADV7180 but your input circuit is not typical either.  Based on your other information, I doubt it has anything to do with that but I figured I would ask.  I meant that you were getting stable output-- it's just easier to see that with synchs than with time codes.

         I not use HSYNC/VSYNC in my debugging. But after your remark I think that known issue with HSYNC connected with my problem. There is another side of the problem. First version of my firmware used HDATA interface. When bad case happened EIRQFLG could not be settled to ‘1’. And when lamp went out, and ADC can normally capture the frame ADV212 set required EIRQFLG bit to ‘1’.

    DaveD wrote:

    Interesting that putting the divider circuit before the transformer would make the difference.  You can put your own clamp outside the circuit and then turn off the internal clamping with CCLEN (0x14 bit 4).  There isn't a way to adjust the clamp currents in the part though.

    I placed my own clamp system instead of internal one. It was pullup 5 k resistor and pulldown 1 k resistor. The result became worse. Unfortunately, the design doesn’t let me to solder many times the seats near ADC. The current version of design (with divider before transformer) is more suitable for me.

    Our company has another system for transmitting video base upon two-polar chip MAX7450 (nor MAX7451 nor MAX7452). It was placed between the cam and the input transformer. This system helps me to normalize video signal and get rid of blinking. May be this info helps somebody.

    To make sure I give you main parameters of my transformer. Probably I helps to understand the reason:

    Type – passive;

    Input impedance – 75 Ohm;

    Output impedance – 75 Ohm;

    Frequency band – 0 – 7 MHz;

    Input voltage    - 1,5 V;

    Overshoot of frequency -2 dB;

    A length of coaxial cable before the transformer  – approx. 2 m.

    A length of microstrip path after transformer – 50 mm.

    Thanks for your attention!


  • Hi, Dave,

    DaveD wrote:

    I asked about HS to rule out the ADV212-- since I've known it to have issues with some data patterns similar to what you are seeing.  I have not previously heard of this with the ADV7180 but your input circuit is not typical either.  Based on your other information, I doubt it has anything to do with that but I figured I would ask.  I meant that you were getting stable output-- it's just easier to see that with synchs than with time codes.

         I not use HSYNC/VSYNC in my debugging. But after your remark I think that known issue with HSYNC connected with my problem. There is another side of the problem. First version of my firmware used HDATA interface. When bad case happened EIRQFLG could not be settled to ‘1’. And when lamp went out, and ADC can normally capture the frame ADV212 set required EIRQFLG bit to ‘1’.

    DaveD wrote:

    Interesting that putting the divider circuit before the transformer would make the difference.  You can put your own clamp outside the circuit and then turn off the internal clamping with CCLEN (0x14 bit 4).  There isn't a way to adjust the clamp currents in the part though.

    I placed my own clamp system instead of internal one. It was pullup 5 k resistor and pulldown 1 k resistor. The result became worse. Unfortunately, the design doesn’t let me to solder many times the seats near ADC. The current version of design (with divider before transformer) is more suitable for me.

    Our company has another system for transmitting video base upon two-polar chip MAX7450 (nor MAX7451 nor MAX7452). It was placed between the cam and the input transformer. This system helps me to normalize video signal and get rid of blinking. May be this info helps somebody.

    To make sure I give you main parameters of my transformer. Probably I helps to understand the reason:

    Type – passive;

    Input impedance – 75 Ohm;

    Output impedance – 75 Ohm;

    Frequency band – 0 – 7 MHz;

    Input voltage    - 1,5 V;

    Overshoot of frequency -2 dB;

    A length of coaxial cable before the transformer  – approx. 2 m.

    A length of microstrip path after transformer – 50 mm.

    Thanks for your attention!


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