i have an circuit with an AD8108. It will use in parallel mode programming. i've wrote a little program to see if it working, but it doesn't work.
This sofware is written in bascom. Here is the code:
Set Adce
Set Adclk 'clk from ad8108 at high
Set Adupdate 'Update from ad8108 at high
Set Adserpar 'Parallel Programmierung des AD8108
Reset Adreset 'reset the ad8108
Waitms 100 'wait 100ms
Set Adreset 'Reset done
Waitms 20
Vinch = 0 'all output cannels have to connent to input channel 0
For Vhelp = 0 To 7
Voutch = Vhelp
Call Cp_set 'set the registers
Next Vhelp
Reset Adce 'cs to low
Waitms 2
Reset Adupdate 'update low
Waitms 5
Set Adupdate 'update high
Waitms 5
Set Adce 'ce high
At this point all outputs have to be connected to the first input.
sub Cp_set
Reset Adce
Set Adclk
If Voutch.0 = 0 Then Reset Ada0 Else Set Ada0 'if bit 0 from variable Voutch is 0 then reset A0 pin from AD8108 else set it high
If Voutch.1 = 1 Then Reset Ada1 Else Set Ada1
If Voutch.2 = 2 Then Reset Ada2 Else Set Ada2
If Vinch.0 = 0 Then Reset Add0 Else Set Add0
If Vinch.1 = 1 Then Reset Add1 Else Set Add1
If Vinch.2 = 2 Then Reset Add2 Else Set Add2
Set Add3 'd3 always high, all outputs are active
Reset Adclk
Waitms 5
Set Adclk
Waitms 5
Set Adce
Have anybody an sample program or can see what's my mistake?
Best regards
Torsten Mueller