I want to port blimp's osd onto the arm board, do you have specific instructions
I want to port blimp's osd onto the arm board, do you have specific instructions
You have the OSD API functions in Blimp_ADV7625_Framework_User_Manual.pdf. Please refer here https://ez.analog.com/video/w/documents/707/blimp-osd-designer-tool-for-naturevue-adv800x-and-advantiv-adv7625
Do you have one of our evaluation board? If so,load our application binary,there you have the inbuilt demo OSD at https://ez.analog.com/video/w/documents/698/advantiv-eval-adv7625-smz-video-evaluation-board
And also it seems like duplicate of this thread at ez.analog.com/.../adv7625-ported-to-arm-board
Please do not create duplicate thread since it would be difficult for tracking.
Thanks very much for understanding.
Sorry, I just want people to answer my question as soon as possible, so I made two posts
Thank you very much for your reply.
For OSD, We need both i2c and Spi interface, Characters cannot be displayed only with i2c.
osd is initialized by ADIAPI_OsdConInit,
The switch is then controlled by ADIAPI_OsdKeyPress.
I blocked the Spi related function in ADIAPI_OsdConInit, and the blimp control I defined is still displayed (in advantiv-eval-adv7625-smz-video-evaluation-board).
So, if I'm going to implement osd display, where is my spi function going to be implemented?Not in the ADIAPI_OsdConInit function?
Now that my image is out, I can use the iic control to have it display some blocks.If I want to implement spi, I need to implement SpiTransfer in the ADIAPI_OsdConInit function, right?
I think you use (OSDAPI_RegisterSpiI2cHal(SpiTransfer, I2c0WriteRegister8, I2c0ReadRegister8, I2c0Read2Register8, SpiSetSlave);) this function to call spi function. I have shielded SpiTransfer from your code, but several labels can still be displayed normally.
Thank you very much for your answer.
Please find the answers below.
Now that my image is out, I can use the iic control to have it display some blocks.If I want to implement spi, I need to implement SpiTransfer in the ADIAPI_OsdConInit function, right?
Yes. You need to implement the SpiTransfer function.
I have shielded SpiTransfer from your code, but several labels can still be displayed normally.
If you block the SPI functions, label will not be displayed correctly. Can you try power cycle the board and check again and see labels are displayed correctly with demo board.
Please let us know if you are seeing any issues after adding SPI functions.
As shown in the figure below, I removed your flash and then removed the spi function.
Ok, maybe I didn't make it clear enough, but now I'm going to talk about my hardware conditions and my software conditions, and here's your demo board, and I've removed the flash,
Below screenshot is my SpiTransfer function implementation, was I delete all, and then I use VDSP compiled code and burning inside.
No matter how many times the restart occurs, the osd will display normally.Are you sure I also want to realize the spi?
Sorry that you are in trouble solving this issue.
Please find more details about the hardware connection. Hope that it will help to understand where is the issue?
In Eval platform, Blackfin controller is connected to ADV7625 and External flash as shown below.
When designing Blimp project,Are you enabling Internal flash memory option right?
If you are selecting External flash memory, you need to use External SPI flash(U38) to flash the OSD binary. If you are using Internal, this U38 is not required.
To display the OSD component, we need to configure set of I2C and SPI registers in ADV7625, irrespective of external/internal flash that you are using.
Can you share the VDSP source files and OSD project that you are verifying with Demo board offline via email?
We will check and let you know if any issues?
You mean I must realize SpiTransfer function function, right?
Yes. You need to write the SPI transfer function (Controller to ADV7625). As mentioned before, If you are using Internal flash memory option, external flash is not needed.
Still we are wondering and want to check the labels displayed with our evaluation correctly after burning out your changes(OSD is with junk normally).
Please let us know if you are still facing any issues, we will check with our evaluation platform.
Thank you.
When I have blocked SpiTransfer function, it can still be displayed correctly after burning it.
(blimp operation)
Drag in six labels, change the memory option to internal storage, and change the resolution to the current resolution.Then the TV will display the six labels correctly
Thank you for your patient answer!
When I have blocked SpiTransfer function, it can still be displayed correctly after burning it.
(blimp operation)
Drag in six labels, change the memory option to internal storage, and change the resolution to the current resolution.Then the TV will display the six labels correctly
Thank you for your patient answer!