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ADV7344 inputs for monochrome output


I want use an ADV7344 to encode 2 digital video inputs (not simultaneously), one of them monochrome (only 8 bits) and other in RGB (24 bits). I think that I could tied the same 8 bits of monochrome input to R,G and B inputs and obtain a monochrome output in CVBS. Know someone if this is possible?

Thanks in advance

Disable the SD burst.  0x84[5].  no color burst => no color.  Also I think you can shut down the chroma channel 0x84[4]

If there's no color burst the chip may still output CVBS with the color information added during the active region however without the color burst the sink will not be able to decode the color and basically ignore it.  Our decider have a color kill threshold if it doesn't see the color burst.

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