What is the best way to evaluate the ADXRS290?
Two options are available:· A complete, GUI-based system (EVAL-ADXRS290Z-M) is available for viewing real-time data and familiarizing oneself with the behavior andfunctionality of the gyroscope. The system consists of the inertial sensor evaluation board (ISEB), or main board, and the EVAL-ADXRS290Z-S satelliteboard. Also included is a USB A to Mini-B cable to connect the ISEB to a PC and an 18-inch, 20-pin ribbon cable to connect the ISEB to the satellite.This system requires connection to a PC.
· The EVAL-ADXRS290Z is a simple evaluation board that allows quick evaluation of the performance of the ADXRS290. This board has two sets of 0.1inch spaced vias, for population of 5-pin headers, for access to all power and signal lines. The vias or headers allow the evaluation board to beattached to a prototyping board (breadboard). Four holes are provided for mechanical attachment of the EVAL-ADXRS290Z to the application. An externalhost processor is required for communication to the part