Why would a customer want the External SYNC pin and how would they use it?
The ADXL362 has a built-in clock that serves as the basis for all internal
timing, including sampling acceleration data. Data is sampled at one of seven
output data rate (ODR) settings ranging from 400 Hz to 6.25 Hz.
In some applications, a customer may want to synchronize the samples obtained
from the accelerometer with samples obtained from other sensors, so that all
environmental parameters are known for the same point in time. In these cases,
the External SYNC functionality can be used as a trigger for obtaining
accelerometer samples, instead of the built-in ODR.
The external SYNC functionality can also be used for achieving data rates other
than the seven discrete settings provided. This can also be done via the use of
an external clock, as described in the ADXL362 datasheet.