There are two different evaluation kits for the MAX35103: the MAX35103EVKIT# and the MAX35103EVKIT2#. While they both include the MAX35103, the features of the EVKITs are different.
The MAX35103EVKIT# comes with a PC software tool designed to help you configure the chip for your own flow meter hardware. The board is highly configurable, and it should be used to evaluate the MAX35103 for a specific application.
The MAX35103EVKIT2# is an application example intended as an off-the-shelf flow-metering solution. That said, it can be useful as a prototyping platform for some applications, but it is not nearly as configurable as the MAX35103EVKIT#. You can program the micro on this kit via JTAG, but it will not work with the PC software tool used with the MAX35103EVKIT#. The MAX35103EVKIT2# comes with pre-loaded firmware for flow-metering.