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Does ADI have suitable solution for Dual Rotor Fan?

Hi Sir, 

I saw that ADI has Fan Controller : ADT7470 and this part allows the user to drive 3-wire or 4-wire fans.

But can it be used to drive two fans (two TACH feedback but only with one PWM)? like MAXIM's MAX31760.

Or does ADI have another solution may be more suitable for this application?

Thanks very much!

Henry Tang

  • Hi, Henry.

    Can you share more about your application and why you want to drive 2 fans from a single PWM? The ADT7470 has 4 PWM outputs and 4 Tach inputs allowing it to control and monitor the speed of up to 4 fans independently. That said, it can also be used to drive several fans in parallel from a single PWM output. You just need to make sure that the MOSFET driver is chosen as per the fans' current requirements. Please see the Low Frequency Fan Drive section for the complete considerations. 



  • Hi Karen,

    It's for dual rotor fan which only has one PWM input but has two Tact feedback.

    Due to it seems MAXIM have product can be used to control this 4-wire dual rotor fan.

    So I would like to know about whether does ADI have suitable solution for this dual rotor motor application.

    Thanks very much!


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