AD5940BIOZ works with ADICUP3029.
AD5940 datasheet (table 5) said that the maxium voltages are:
Parameter Rating
AVDD to AGND −0.3 V to +3.9 V
DVDD to DGND −0.3 V to +3.9 V
IOVDD to DGND −0.3 V to +3.9 V
Analog Input Voltage to AGND −0.3 V to AVDD +0.3 V
Digital Input Voltage to DGND −0.3 V to DVDD +0.3 V
Digital Output Voltage to DGND −0.3 V to DVDD +0.3 V
AGND to DGND −0.3 V to +0.3 V
At the same time, the "ARDUINO CONNECTION" pinout shown that pin D10, D11, D12 and D13 are used for SPI. These voltage are 5v in Arduino UNO. Has ADICUP3029 different voltages?
If Arduino uses 5v for SPI communication and the AD5940's maximum voltage are +3.9v, I will be problems.