I want to read a voltage, originally a current proportional to a temperature measured by a transducer (i.e. an electronic device that converts energy from one form to another) ref: AD590 (datasheet: https://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/data-sheets/ad590.pdf), in a 12/16 bit resolution. The current-to-voltage conversion resistor is chosen so that VT = 1 mV/°C (R=1k). VT will therefore be equal to ~300 mV at ambient temperature (I'm not sure if I'll add gain or not, maybe I'll just use the amplifier in a voltage follower configuration). This voltage must be read by an ADC and interpreted in such a way as to produce a voltage Vctrl, probably with the help of a DAC, between 0 and 4V, which serves as a reference voltage for a DC-HVDC converter (datasheet: https://www.xppower.com/portals/0/pdfs/SF_AG_Series.pdf) which produces the high voltage which is then used to bias an avalanche photodiode (APD).
I have no idea which product I can use to do this so if you have any ideas please share them. Perhaps you have even seen or used something that could be reused for this project. Thanks.
This diagram should be helpful to understand the project: